“7 WEEKS” is a rock band that explores, discovers, and pushes boundaries. Their wanderings and encounters become stories and characters depicted in their songs, leading to the next quest in a sonic exploration unburdened by conventions and trends.
As “free electrons” and experienced musicians, they avoid clichés, playing what they see and experience, a challenging yet intense and authentic approach.

From the start 7 WEEKS has independently toured and produced adventurous records. Running their self-financed label (F2M Planet), they’ve released 6 albums and 2 EPs, which have taken them all across Europe and the Uk, performing for vastly diverse audiences from Rock for people to Hellfest.


Pochette du nouvel album de 7 Weeks intitulé "Fade Into Blurred Lines". Réalisation par Gilles Estines.

Their new album « Fade into Blurred lines », out on october 2023, is their more personnal effort,
telling stories of those left behind, outcasts they met. They play what they live or what they see, a
kind of blues feeling in a leaded shell, raw and sincere.

7 Weeks Double LP "The Sisyphus Complete Recordings"

Press Quotes for “The Sisyphus Complete Recordings” 2020 & 2021


“One of the most fascinating rock albums of the year”
“The rockers of 7 Weeks deliver a new musical UFO”

“An album that will leave its mark”
“Simply magical”
“A great album… songwriting at its peak”
“A finely crafted album of pure and impactful rock”
“A small gem that seems imperative to own”